A "WIP post"?
This post is a work in progress. I'll be updating it when I find new helpful things.
About this list
I've been meaning to put together a post about Eleventy so that I can quickly share the resources I have found useful when I'm learning about and building Eleventy sites.
Where to start
Documentation, hosting, deployment and Nunjucks, my preferred templating language.
- 11ty Rocks and SmolCSS by Stephanie Eckles
- I Finally Understand Eleventy's Data Cascade and Build a Blogroll by Ben Myers.
- Build automated weekly links posts with raindrop.io and 11ty by Sophie Koonin.
- Low-tech Eleventy Categories by Andy Bell
Nice starter themes & projects
- Hylia by Andy Bell
- 11ty Sass Skeleton - also by Stephanie Eckles.
Design stuff
These aren't really 'Eleventy' things. They're useful for any website project.
- Some simple ways to make content look good by Andy Bell
- Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager. by Andy Bell
- Every Layout by Andy Bell and Heydon Pickering.
- Utopia by James Gilyead & Trys Mudford
- CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid cheatsheets by Chris Coyier and Chris House on CSS Tricks
Older Resources
I used Learn Eleventy From Scratch some years ago and it was excellent. It's out of date now but still has some good information. Check out Andy Bell's post about the status of Learn Eleventy From Scratch before looking at the course.
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