Completely rebuilt this site
The original version of the site was built years ago and had a lot of issues because I had done a lot of learning and experimenting while I built it. I decided to start with the 11ty Base Blog to get this up and running quickly.
This is what 11ty Base Blog looks like to start. It's super basic but has everything you need to build a site. It also has great documentation.

The first version of the new site was also very basic. I was mostly concerned about getting all my content moved over and making sure the site had a cleaned up look. The original version of the site is still up. The design was something I did to amuse myself and also a 'tribute' to the awful sites I built on GeoCities back in the 90s

And here we are. I still have some things I'd like to do and some content to add but this is mostly it. For now. Until I decide I'm bored of it and redesign the whole thing again.

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